1. lcars::lcarsdata
    LCARS colors
  2. legocolors::legoCols
    Lego color data.
  3. legocolors::legoPals
    Lego color palettes.
  4. rtrek::stBooks
    Star Trek novel metadata.
  5. rtrek::stGeo
    Raster grid location data for stellar cartographic map tile sets.
  6. rtrek::stLogos
    Star Trek logos metadata.
  7. rtrek::stSeries
    Star Trek series.
  8. rtrek::stSpecies
    Species names and avatars, linked primarily from Memory Alpha.
  9. rtrek::stTiles
    Available Star Trek map tile sets.
  10. rtrek::stapiEntities
    Star Trek API entities.
  11. rtrek::tlBooks
    Star Trek novel-based timeline.
  12. rtrek::tlEvents
    Star Trek event-based timeline.
  13. rtrek::tlFootnotes
    Star Trek timeline footnotes.
  14. tabr::articulations
    Single note articulations and syntax
  15. tabr::guitarChords
    Predefined guitar chords
  16. tabr::mainIntervals
    Main musical intervals
  17. tabr::tabrSyntax
    tabr syntax
  18. tabr::tunings
    Predefined instrument tunings
  19. trekcolors::trekpals
    Star Trek color palettes.
  20. trekfont::trekfonts
    Available Star Trek fonts.