{"id":"book","id.1":1,"text":"This chapter chronicles the period from the formation of the 40-Eridani system to the beginnings of life on the planet Vulcan about two billion years ago."} {"id":"book","id.1":2,"text":"The time and manner of Borg origins are entirely speculative. Both \"The Beginning\" (SNW 6) and \"Forgotten Light\" (SNW 7) each offer unique interpretations."} {"id":"book","id.1":3,"text":"This chapter chronicles the period from Surak's birth until his death sometime after 300 AD"} {"id":"book","id.1":4,"text":"As a vision, this may be historically unreliable. The events contradict Spock's World regarding the death of Surak's father."} {"id":"book","id.1":5,"text":"This chapter chronicles the period from the Ahkh War (against the Orions) until the Sundering in 300 AD. The date given in the text as 22 BC was disregarded."} {"id":"book","id.1":6,"text":"The date of the Awakening is around 2000 years prior to \"The Savage Curtain\" (TOS), while T'Pol places Surak's death about 1,800 years prior to \"Awakening\" (ENT). Assuming Surak's death was not long after the Sundering, the Awakening occurred between 254 and 339 AD. A line dropped from the script to \"Awakening\" claims the event occurred 1,874 years prior to the episode, in 280 AD."} {"id":"book","id.1":7,"text":"This chapter chronicles the period from S'task's Declaration until the Sundering."} {"id":"book","id.1":8,"text":"This chapter chronicles the journey of the Rihannsu Travelers until planetfall in 750."} {"id":"book","id.1":9,"text":"These chapters chronicle the period beginning 25.86 real-time years after the Sundering until the subjugation of the Reman settlers in 753."} {"id":"book","id.1":10,"text":"This chapter chronicles the period from the Settlement until the fall of the Ruling Queen in 846."} {"id":"book","id.1":11,"text":"This chapter chronicles the Golden Age, from the establishment of the Senate until first contact with a Starfleet vessel in 2153."} {"id":"book","id.1":12,"text":"This story is a Captain Proton radio drama script written by \"Benny Russell\" and incorporating elements of Deep Space Nine. Given his age in Far Beyond the Stars, this might not be the same Benny Russell who will later write for the magazine Incredible Tales of Scientific Wonder."} {"id":"book","id.1":13,"text":"The childhood of Benny Russell is seen in the visions of Benjamin Sisko."} {"id":"book","id.1":14,"text":"Sisko's visions chronicle Benny Russell's career as a science-fiction writer. Whether Russell actually existed in the past of Sisko's reality is unknown."} {"id":"book","id.1":15,"text":"Takes place in an alternate reality where Star Trek is merely a television series broadcast in the 1960s."} {"id":"book","id.1":16,"text":"A tribute to Gene Roddenberry, who existed in a reality wherein Star Trek was his own fictional creation."} {"id":"book","id.1":17,"text":"Takes place in a reality where Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is a television series."} {"id":"book","id.1":18,"text":"These events occur in an alternate history."} {"id":"book","id.1":19,"text":"Takes place during Star Trek: First Contact."} {"id":"book","id.1":20,"text":"Takes place during Star Trek: First Contact."} {"id":"book","id.1":21,"text":"Takes place during Star Trek: First Contact."} {"id":"book","id.1":22,"text":"The March 2061 date in the novel contradicts Star Trek: First Contact and has been adjusted to March 2065."} {"id":"book","id.1":23,"text":"The Star Trek Chronology places the destruction of the Valiantthe same year that it leaves on its mission in 2065. The author has placed the destruction in 2069 to allow time for the Starship to reach the edge of the galaxy."} {"id":"book","id.1":24,"text":"Colonel Thorsen's war appears to be a conflict separate from Colonel Green's \"World War 3,\" which ended in 2053."} {"id":"book","id.1":25,"text":"The 2117 date in the novel has been adjusted to a time shortly after Cochrane's speech at the Warp 5 Complex in \"Broken Bow\" (ENT)."} {"id":"book","id.1":26,"text":"Story is set just before the flashback in \"Broken Bow\" (ENT), in which the script gives Archer's age as nine and three-quarters; in this story his age is eleven."} {"id":"book","id.1":27,"text":"This chapter narrates portions of \"Cold Front\" (ENT)."} {"id":"book","id.1":28,"text":"Presumably due to an editing error, the dates in the chapter headings are all off by one year. However, the dates given in Ensign Hart's service record are correct."} {"id":"book","id.1":29,"text":"This chapter narrates portions of \"Detained\" (ENT)."} {"id":"book","id.1":30,"text":"Because of references to \"Detained\" (ENT) and \"Desert Crossing\" (ENT), the January 13-18 sections have been moved to late February."} {"id":"book","id.1":31,"text":"Archer's narrated story is entirely apocryphal."} {"id":"book","id.1":32,"text":"This chapter chronicles the period from the first encounter with a Starfleet vessel until the time of the framing story in 2276. References to the duration of the war and to Sarek's position as Vulcan Ambassador have been disregarded."} {"id":"book","id.1":33,"text":"This book novelizes ENT episodes \"The Expanse\" and \"The Xindi.\""} {"id":"book","id.1":34,"text":"Story is set during the third year of the Romulan War."} {"id":"book","id.1":35,"text":"This story chronicles the end of the Romulan War, but does not explicitly support events from the television series Star Trek: Enterprise."} {"id":"book","id.1":36,"text":"Takes place during the conference in San Francisco which \"lays out the groundwork\" for the U.F.P. The given date of 2097 was disregarded."} {"id":"book","id.1":37,"text":"The holodeck scenes in this episode (which chronicle the events of 2161) are supported by a framing story set in 2370, during the events of \"The Pegasus\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":38,"text":"This chapter chronicles the period from Sarek's relocation to Earth until Spock's birth in 2230. The year 2212, given for Sarek's appointment as Ambassador to Earth, has been disregarded."} {"id":"book","id.1":39,"text":"The given year of 2231 was changed to match The Star Trek Chronology."} {"id":"book","id.1":40,"text":"Takes place six years after Part One. Spock's age is eight. The story mentions that twenty-two years have passed since \"first contact\" between the Klingons and the Federation, which is very close to The Star Trek Chronology's date of 2218, though this assumption was supplanted by Star Trek: Enterprise."} {"id":"book","id.1":41,"text":"Takes place four years after Part Two. References which claim that ninety years have passed since the incorporation of the U.F.P. have been ignored."} {"id":"book","id.1":42,"text":"The story's date of 2242 for the battle at Donatu 5 was based upon an error in the first edition of The Star Trek Chronology.The battle actually takes place 23 years prior to \"The Trouble with Tribbles,\" so we have adjusted the year accordingly."} {"id":"book","id.1":43,"text":"The letter from George Kirk Sr. to his children, dated May 10, 2183, has been disregarded."} {"id":"book","id.1":44,"text":"Story is set simultaneously with the Tarsus 4 incident."} {"id":"book","id.1":45,"text":"Story is set simultaneously with the Tarsus 4 incident."} {"id":"book","id.1":46,"text":"Story is set simultaneously with the Tarsus 4 incident."} {"id":"book","id.1":47,"text":"Story continues throughout Sulu's sixth-grade school year."} {"id":"book","id.1":48,"text":"Story is set before Spock joins Starfleet Academy in 2249."} {"id":"book","id.1":49,"text":"The given year of 2249 was changed to a date about a year after Spock entered the Academy."} {"id":"book","id.1":50,"text":"The time jump of forty years was adjusted to twenty. The presence of Spock aboard April's Enterprise can be explained if he was on a training mission as a cadet."} {"id":"book","id.1":51,"text":"Story is set soon before Starfleet Academy's winter break in Kirk's freshman year, 2250."} {"id":"book","id.1":52,"text":"April's letter claims he captained the Enterprise for nine years, which contradicts The Star Trek Chronology."} {"id":"book","id.1":53,"text":"Spock mentions meeting Pike a \"few years ago,\" which occurred in Starfleet Academy: Crisis on Vulcan (ST-YA #1)."} {"id":"book","id.1":54,"text":"Spock's somewhat lengthy service record conflicts with The Star Trek Chronology, which claims he was posted to the Enterprise while still a cadet."} {"id":"book","id.1":55,"text":"These scenes are set during \"The Cage\" (TOS)."} {"id":"book","id.1":56,"text":"Story is set nine years after the launch of the Enterprise."} {"id":"book","id.1":57,"text":"Said to be eighteen years prior to the main story, but is actually twenty-one years."} {"id":"book","id.1":58,"text":"This chapter offers a differing interpretation of Kirk's \"Kobayashi Maru\" test from that found in \"A Test of Character\" (SNW 7)."} {"id":"book","id.1":59,"text":"The time lapse of seventy-four years was changed to one hundred."} {"id":"book","id.1":60,"text":"Kirk is a lieutenant commander, set eighteen years before the rest of the story. This allows him to be a lieutenant during the events on the Farragut as established in \"Obsession\" (TOS), and then be promoted after that."} {"id":"book","id.1":61,"text":"This scene features Kirk with his infant son. However, other stories claim Kirk was unaware of David's birth at this time. As a dream sequence, this may be historically unreliable."} {"id":"book","id.1":62,"text":"The story claims Kirk took command of the Enterprise shortly after his thirtieth birthday, but this contradicts The Star Trek Chronology. Chekov has low watch on the bridge but is assumed to still be an Academy student. Sulu is a recent \"graduate,\" presumed to be some sort of advanced degree."} {"id":"book","id.1":63,"text":"The story offers a brief explanation for McCoy's departure and replacement by Dr. Mark Piper following Enterprise: The First Adventure."} {"id":"book","id.1":64,"text":"Takes place while Gary Mitchell is recovering at starbase from his poisoning on Dimorus."} {"id":"book","id.1":65,"text":"Occurs during \"Where No Man Has Gone Before.\""} {"id":"book","id.1":66,"text":"Occurs during \"Where No Man Has Gone Before.\""} {"id":"book","id.1":67,"text":"This novel describes the changes to crew postings which set up the main body of stories in the obligatory \"five-year mission,\" though some of the changes contradict Enterprise: The First Adventure. The Star Trek Chronology placed the five-year mission in the period from 2264-69, but this assumption was supplanted by \"Q2\" (VOY) which fixes the end of the mission in 2270. Note that the episode \"Where No Man Has Gone Before\" (TOS) does not include an opening monologue describing a five-year mission."} {"id":"book","id.1":68,"text":"Said to occur near the end of the five-year mission. However, this is incompatible with Joanna McCoy's age and her relationship to her father in Crisis on Centaurus."} {"id":"book","id.1":69,"text":"Story is set not long after \"Court Martial\" (TOS)."} {"id":"book","id.1":70,"text":"Story is set shortly after \"Tomorrow is Yesterday\" (TOS). A footnote that refers to \"All Our Yesterdays\" (TOS) contradicts the computer malfunction subplot of the story."} {"id":"book","id.1":71,"text":"These chapters are numbered 10-16 in the paperback edition."} {"id":"book","id.1":72,"text":"Takes place immediately after \"Space Seed\" (TOS)."} {"id":"book","id.1":73,"text":"Framing story takes place during \"City on the Edge of Forever\" (TOS)."} {"id":"book","id.1":74,"text":"Framing story takes place immediately after \"City on the Edge of Forever\" (TOS)."} {"id":"book","id.1":75,"text":"Takes place immediately before Chekov is assigned to the bridge crew."} {"id":"book","id.1":76,"text":"Framing story takes place after \"The City on the Edge of Forever\" (TOS)."} {"id":"book","id.1":77,"text":"Story is set immediately after \"Friday's Child\" (TOS)."} {"id":"book","id.1":78,"text":"Chapter three references recent events of \"Amok Time\" (TOS)."} {"id":"book","id.1":79,"text":"Chapter three sets the story soon after \"The Doomsday Machine\" (TOS)."} {"id":"book","id.1":80,"text":"Continues concurrently through \"The Trouble with Tribbles\" (TOS). The story's December date is difficult to reconcile and was disregarded."} {"id":"book","id.1":81,"text":"According to the author, the story is set immediately before \"The Trouble with Tribbles.\" The presence of Arex and M'Ress in the lounge suggests that they were \"lower decks\" officers at this time. Gods Above (NF) suggests they came aboard sometime after \"Who Mourns for Adonais?\" (TOS)."} {"id":"book","id.1":82,"text":"Takes place during \"The Trouble with Tribbles\" (TOS)."} {"id":"book","id.1":83,"text":"This story takes place immediately after \"The Trouble with Tribbles\" (TOS)."} {"id":"book","id.1":84,"text":"Story is set after \"The Trouble with Tribbles\" (TOS)."} {"id":"book","id.1":85,"text":"Story is set sometime after \"A Taste of Armageddon\" (TOS)."} {"id":"book","id.1":86,"text":"Story is set immediately before The IDIC Epidemic (TOS #38). The claim that Spock had not been to Vulcan in two years was disregarded."} {"id":"book","id.1":87,"text":"The arrival of Dr. M'Benga aboard the Enterprisesignals placement prior to \"A Private Little War\" (TOS)."} {"id":"book","id.1":88,"text":"Story is set just before \"Gamesters of Triskelion\" (TOS)."} {"id":"book","id.1":89,"text":"Story is set after \"Errand of Mercy\" (TOS). Stardate for the story is from Day of Honor #2: Armageddon Sky (DS9)."} {"id":"book","id.1":90,"text":"Story is set immediately after The Klingon Gambit (TOS #3)."} {"id":"book","id.1":91,"text":"Story is set after \"Private Little War\" (TOS)."} {"id":"book","id.1":92,"text":"Using McCoy's age for chronology is problematic, so the stardate was used."} {"id":"book","id.1":93,"text":"Story is set after \"The Omega Glory\" (TOS)."} {"id":"book","id.1":94,"text":"Story is set during fourth year of Kirk's first five-year mission."} {"id":"book","id.1":95,"text":"Story is set after \"The Immunity Syndrome\" (TOS)."} {"id":"book","id.1":96,"text":"Story is set several months after \"The Enterprise Incident\" (TOS), and very shortly before \"For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky\" (TOS)."} {"id":"book","id.1":97,"text":"Story is set several months after \"The Enterprise Incident\" (TOS)."} {"id":"book","id.1":98,"text":"Story is set after \"The Omega Glory\" (TOS)."} {"id":"book","id.1":99,"text":"Story is set after \"I, Mudd\" (TOS)."} {"id":"book","id.1":100,"text":"This story suggests an alternate possibility for the first meeting with Harry Mudd since \"I, Mudd\" (TOS)."} {"id":"book","id.1":101,"text":"Story is set after \"Let That Be Your Last Battlefield\" (TOS)."} {"id":"book","id.1":102,"text":"Story continues several weeks past \"The Mark of Gideon\" (TOS)."} {"id":"book","id.1":103,"text":"Placement represents a compromise between the Historian's Note, which puts the story about halfway through Kirk's first five-year mission, and David's age, which is supposed to be ten. We assume that the planet \"Alpha Maluria Seven\" is not part of the system destroyed in \"The Changeling\" (TOS)."} {"id":"book","id.1":104,"text":"Story is set one week after \"Turnabout Intruder\" (TOS)."} {"id":"book","id.1":105,"text":"Requires about two years of story time. Reconciling this is left to the reader."} {"id":"book","id.1":106,"text":"Requires several months of story time and ends with the Organians depriving the Klingons of spaceflight capability for a thousand years. Reconciling this is left to the reader."} {"id":"book","id.1":107,"text":"Story is set after \"The Enterprise Incident\" (TOS). Chapters 2-23 occur in an alternate timeline."} {"id":"book","id.1":108,"text":"Story is set after \"Plato's Stepchildren\" (TOS)."} {"id":"book","id.1":109,"text":"Story is set two years after \"A Private Little War\" (TOS)."} {"id":"book","id.1":110,"text":"Story is set after \"Taste of Armageddon\" (TOS)."} {"id":"book","id.1":111,"text":"Story is set after \"The Lights of Zetar\" (TOS)."} {"id":"book","id.1":112,"text":"Prime Directive requires several months of story time, and makes a convenient transition point between the live action episodes (TOS) and the animated episodes (TAS)."} {"id":"book","id.1":113,"text":"Takes place at Christmastime."} {"id":"book","id.1":114,"text":"The given year of 2268 was adjusted to 2270."} {"id":"book","id.1":115,"text":"Story takes place after \"Day of the Dove\" (TOS) and \"Time Trap\" (TAS)."} {"id":"book","id.1":116,"text":"Chapter nine sets the story 207 years after Cochrane's first warp flight. The opening at Starbase 23 suggests placement immediately after Tears of the Singers (TOS #19)."} {"id":"book","id.1":117,"text":"Story is set after \"Once Upon a Planet\" (TAS)."} {"id":"book","id.1":118,"text":"Christine Chapel begins pursuit of her doctorate."} {"id":"book","id.1":119,"text":"Prior to the publication of The Star Trek Chronology, many circles within fandom believed that Kirk commanded a second five-year mission prior to Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Stories set in this period typically featured promotions for the bridge crew, the return of Janice Rand, the movie-era uniforms, upgrades to the Enterprise, and so on. Black Fire marks the transition point to this era, the scope of which we have greatly reduced to fit within the final six months of the five-year mission. Reconciling the time constraints is left to the reader."} {"id":"book","id.1":120,"text":"Story is set years after \"Devil in the Dark\" (TOS). Kirk is said to be in his forties yet the crew ranks and uniforms are from the pre-TMP era. Chekov is temporarily in charge of security."} {"id":"book","id.1":121,"text":"Story is purportedly set three years after \"The Enterprise Incident,\" thus presupposing the second five-year mission prior to ST:TMP. This story introduces the character of Ingrit Tomson, who is featured in several subsequent novels."} {"id":"book","id.1":122,"text":"Story is set after Mindshadow (TOS #27). Spock's age is suggested to be thirty-six, which is incorrect."} {"id":"book","id.1":123,"text":"Story is set after The Abode of Life (TOS #6)."} {"id":"book","id.1":124,"text":"Story is set after Demons (TOS #30). References to Halloween are problematic."} {"id":"book","id.1":125,"text":"Story is set after Chain of Attack (TOS #32)."} {"id":"book","id.1":126,"text":"Story takes place about two years after \"Whom Gods Destroy.\""} {"id":"book","id.1":127,"text":"The span of \"two years\" since \"All Our Yesterdays\" (TOS) has been reduced to about eighteen months. Commodore Wesley has returned to Starfleet since his stint as Governor of Mantilles in 2269."} {"id":"book","id.1":128,"text":"The placement for the end of the Enterprise's five-year mission is drawn from \"Q2\" (VOY). We assume that this event occurred roughly in mid-to-late 2270."} {"id":"book","id.1":129,"text":"This timeline is eliminated at the end of the story."} {"id":"book","id.1":130,"text":"The bulk of The Lost Years takes place in early 2271 (The Star Trek Chronology has Spock returning to Vulcan to undergo Kohlinar in 2270). Spock's age is established to be forty-one, but Kirk's age thirty-six is incorrect. References to Tomson having served with Kirk for four years and the season being autumn are problematic."} {"id":"book","id.1":131,"text":"Story is set \"shortly after the end of the Enterprise's five-year mission, immediately following the events chronicled in The Lost Years.\" This occurs after Spock decides to pursue Kohlinar, contradicting the December 2269 date."} {"id":"book","id.1":132,"text":"The 2270 date in the novel has been adjusted to 2272, following the first two Lost Years novels."} {"id":"book","id.1":133,"text":"Story is set \"shortly before the events chronicled in Star Trek: The Motion Picture.\" Since dates placing this novel during the Apollo 11 tricentenial contradict The Star Trek Chronology, we assumed the story to be centered around the tricentennial of the Apollo space program (1969-1972) instead."} {"id":"book","id.1":134,"text":"Story is set weeks before Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Several references to Kirk having been Chief of Operations for approximately a year, suggest a late 2272 time period for this novel, some four months after A Flag Full of Stars (TOS #54)."} {"id":"book","id.1":135,"text":"Story is set immediately before Star Trek: The Motion Picture."} {"id":"book","id.1":136,"text":"Spock has been pursuing the Kolinahr disciplines for 2.8 years. This establishes the event in mid-2273."} {"id":"book","id.1":137,"text":"Reprises the end of Star Trek: The Motion Picture."} {"id":"book","id.1":138,"text":"Story is set immediately after Star Trek: The Motion Picture."} {"id":"book","id.1":139,"text":"Story is set after \"More Troubles, More Tribbles\" (TAS) and \"some years\" after \"Day of the Dove\" (TOS). Despite descriptions of the colored uniforms of the first five-year mission, the story must occur after TMP, given that Chapel is a doctor, and Kang's unknown son with Mara is about five years old."} {"id":"book","id.1":140,"text":"Story is set shortly after Star Trek: The Motion Picture."} {"id":"book","id.1":141,"text":"Story is set shortly after Star Trek: The Motion Picture."} {"id":"book","id.1":142,"text":"Story is set shortly after Star Trek: The Motion Picture."} {"id":"book","id.1":143,"text":"Takes place five years after \"Elaan of Troyius\" (TOS). Uniform details within this and the subsequent novels by L. A. Graf are inconsistent for this period."} {"id":"book","id.1":144,"text":"Takes place in the weeks leading up to the lunar (Asian) new year, thirty years after the Battle of Donatu V."} {"id":"book","id.1":145,"text":"Chapter 2 establishes that Uhura and Chekov had known each other for eight years. Chapter 3 establishes that Uhura had been in Starfleet for twelve years."} {"id":"book","id.1":146,"text":"The severe damage incurred by the USS Kongo demands placement after Shell Game (TOS), which also features the ship. Kirk's age is said to be \"just over forty\" (i.e., perhaps forty-one)."} {"id":"book","id.1":147,"text":"Story is set seven years after \"Amok Time\" (TOS)."} {"id":"book","id.1":148,"text":"After rescuing Saavik from Hellguard, Spock takes a one-year leave to help her acclimate into Vulcan society. He will return sometime in late summer of 2275, prior to The Wounded Sky."} {"id":"book","id.1":149,"text":"Story is set immediately after The Wounded Sky and one \"standard year\" prior to The Romulan Way. Note that the setting originally intended for Duane's novels was a purported second five-year mission prior to Star Trek: The Motion Picture-an idea since discarded. Therefore, crew ranks and Chapel's pursuit of her doctorate are incorrect for this period. These discrepancies will be corrected in the forthcoming Rihannsu omnibus edition."} {"id":"book","id.1":150,"text":"Story is set two years after Star Trek: The Motion Picture."} {"id":"book","id.1":151,"text":"Story is set eight years after \"The Enterprise Incident\" (TOS), when McCoy is age forty-nine, not fifty as stated in the text."} {"id":"book","id.1":152,"text":"Story is set two months after The Romulan Way."} {"id":"book","id.1":153,"text":"The 2213.5 stardate given in the book is too low since it would put the story during Kirk's first five-year mission."} {"id":"book","id.1":154,"text":"This story marks the end of Kirk's conjectural second five-year mission following Star Trek: The Motion Picture."} {"id":"book","id.1":155,"text":"The year, given as 2272, has been adjusted to 2278, after Spock has assumed command of the Enterprise."} {"id":"book","id.1":156,"text":"The main story begins five months after departure of the Belle Terre mission, and continues through three additional months."} {"id":"book","id.1":157,"text":"Story is set six months after New Earth #2: Belle Terre (TOS #90). Chekov is transferred to the U.S.S. Reliant."} {"id":"book","id.1":158,"text":"At least ten years after \"A Piece of the Action.\" Spock is a \"former captain\" and has (temporarily) become a civilian, though the reason is unclear."} {"id":"book","id.1":159,"text":"Takes place after the destruction of the Gagarin inIn the Name of Honor (2279). These chapters are numbered 19-24 in the paperback edition."} {"id":"book","id.1":160,"text":"Story is set after Saavik enters the Academy."} {"id":"book","id.1":161,"text":"Story is set after Saavik enters the Academy."} {"id":"book","id.1":162,"text":"At least twelve years after \"A Piece of the Action\" (TOS)."} {"id":"book","id.1":163,"text":"Story is set in Saavik's second year at the Academy."} {"id":"book","id.1":164,"text":"Time travel sections are set in an alternate future where the Federation is at war with the Gorn Hegemony."} {"id":"book","id.1":165,"text":"Story is set 14.5 years after Yesterday's Son (TOS) and one month before Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan."} {"id":"book","id.1":166,"text":"Story is set shortly before Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan."} {"id":"book","id.1":167,"text":"Story is set during Kirk's birthday, traditionally held by fandom to be in March. However, The Star Trek Chronology placesThe Voyage Home (which occurs just a few months later) in 2286."} {"id":"book","id.1":168,"text":"Takes place during Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan."} {"id":"book","id.1":169,"text":"Takes place during the final battle in Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan."} {"id":"book","id.1":170,"text":"Story is set immediately after Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan."} {"id":"book","id.1":171,"text":"Story is set during Star Trek 3: The Search for Spock."} {"id":"book","id.1":172,"text":"Story is set during Star Trek 3: The Search for Spock."} {"id":"book","id.1":173,"text":"Story is set during Star Trek 3: The Search for Spock."} {"id":"book","id.1":174,"text":"Takes place one month after Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home.However, the events of Star Trek 5: The Final Frontier are implied to be just one week away, which contradicts The Star Trek Chronology."} {"id":"book","id.1":175,"text":"The \"planetary\" years on Ceti Alpha 5 are roughly equivalent to 1.2 Earth years."} {"id":"book","id.1":176,"text":"Story is set after Star Trek 5: The Final Frontier yet just \"weeks\" after Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home. This is difficult to reconcile with the implied passage of time in The Star Trek Chronology."} {"id":"book","id.1":177,"text":"Story is set two years before Captain Hikaru Sulu takes command of the Excelsior in 2290."} {"id":"book","id.1":178,"text":"Takes place concurrently with Star Trek 6: The Undiscovered Country."} {"id":"book","id.1":179,"text":"Takes place concurrently with the end of Star Trek 6: The Undiscovered Country. The prologue is set in an alternate timeline."} {"id":"book","id.1":180,"text":"Takes place immediately after Star Trek 6: The Undiscovered Country. The story creates an alternate timeline."} {"id":"book","id.1":181,"text":"Occurs as the Enterprise is returning to spacedock following Star Trek 6: The Undiscovered Country."} {"id":"book","id.1":182,"text":"The story begins very soon after Star Trek 6: The Undiscovered Country and ends with the Enterprise gaining a reprieve from retirement. This would explain why the Enterprise is still active for Sarek, Mind Meld andShadows on the Sun."} {"id":"book","id.1":183,"text":"The given month of September must be ignored to allow enough time for additional stories prior to the launch of the Enterprise-B in late 2293."} {"id":"book","id.1":184,"text":"The story takes place three months after Star Trek 6: The Undiscovered Country and ends with the Enterprise arriving back at Earth for decommissioning."} {"id":"book","id.1":185,"text":"Story is set after the Enterprise-A has been decomissioned and features Kirk's retirement from Starfleet."} {"id":"book","id.1":186,"text":"The story has a retired Kirk and no Enterprise, but the claim that Kirk had been retired for six months must be disregarded. The spring 2294 date contradicts The Star Trek Chronology."} {"id":"book","id.1":187,"text":"The 2295 date in the novel has been adjusted to a time prior to Kirk's disappearance in Generations."} {"id":"book","id.1":188,"text":"Story is set just before the TOS-era portion of Star Trek: Generations."} {"id":"book","id.1":189,"text":"Some authors place the launch of the Enterprise-B in 2294 or 2295, which allows more time for stories set in this period but contradicts The Star Trek Chronology."} {"id":"book","id.1":190,"text":"Takes place during Star Trek: Generations."} {"id":"book","id.1":191,"text":"Most of this section takes place in an alternate history, in which the Enterprise failed to repel the Borg invasion of Earth in 2063."} {"id":"book","id.1":192,"text":"Story is set the same day as Kirk's presumed death."} {"id":"book","id.1":193,"text":"The references setting the story \"about a year after Kirk's disappearance\" are inaccurate."} {"id":"book","id.1":194,"text":"Story is set after The Capain's Daughter (TOS #76)."} {"id":"book","id.1":195,"text":"This is purportedly six years since Tuvok's \"graduation,\" but we are also told that that he had pursued advanced degrees, so he may have spent up to eight years at the Academy."} {"id":"book","id.1":196,"text":"If we suppose Gillian Taylor was the same age as actress Catherine Hicks in Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home, she was thirty-five when she arrived in the twenty-third century with Kirk and crew. In this story, she is in her fifties; hence this story's placement in 2301."} {"id":"book","id.1":197,"text":"Story spans the period from the fall of 2322 to the fall of 2323."} {"id":"book","id.1":198,"text":"Story starts at the beginning of Picard's freshman year at Starfleet Academy."} {"id":"book","id.1":199,"text":"Six months after the launch of the Enterprise-C."} {"id":"book","id.1":200,"text":"The Commander Rachel Garrett in this story apparently is not the same person who at that time was Captain of the Enterprise-C."} {"id":"book","id.1":201,"text":"Both this story and Oblivion each tell alternate versions of Picard's first meeting with Guinan."} {"id":"book","id.1":202,"text":"Story is set in the Earth year 2341, when Data entered Starfleet Academy."} {"id":"book","id.1":203,"text":"Data has been a cadet at Starfleet Academy for three weeks at the beginning of this story."} {"id":"book","id.1":204,"text":"Data has been a cadet at Starfleet Academy for three months at the beginning of this story."} {"id":"book","id.1":205,"text":"Story is set during Beverly (née Howard) Crusher's first year at Starfleet Academy Medical School."} {"id":"book","id.1":206,"text":"Concurrent with the time-travel portion of \"Yesterday's Enterprise\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":207,"text":"Concurrent with the time-travel portion of \"Yesterday's Enterprise\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":208,"text":"Chakotay's age is fifteen. His birthyear was established to be 2329 in \"Endgame\" (VOY)."} {"id":"book","id.1":209,"text":"Spans about a year."} {"id":"book","id.1":210,"text":"The third story chronicles Klag's life, up to the time of the primary entry."} {"id":"book","id.1":211,"text":"The timespan has been adjusted to twenty-one years to remain consistent with Pathways."} {"id":"book","id.1":212,"text":"The story's initial date of June 17, 2355 has been adjusted to a period one year prior to the Raven's disappearance in 2354."} {"id":"book","id.1":213,"text":"Story claims Annika left Earth twenty-seven years before \"Scorpion, Part 2\" (VOY), which would be in 2347. However, Annika was abducted by the Borg in 2354 at the age of six."} {"id":"book","id.1":214,"text":"Story is set as Janeway begins at Starfleet Academy in 2353, according to the \"Starfleet Timeline\" in this book."} {"id":"book","id.1":215,"text":"La Forge has been a cadet at Starfleet Academy for three weeks at the beginning of this story."} {"id":"book","id.1":216,"text":"Conversation in this story indicates it takes place in the same year as Starfleet Academy: Lifeline (VOY-YA #1)."} {"id":"book","id.1":217,"text":"La Forge is mentioned as being a first-year cadet in this story."} {"id":"book","id.1":218,"text":"La Forge is a first-year cadet at Starfleet Academy in this story."} {"id":"book","id.1":219,"text":"La Forge and Riker are first-year cadets at Starfleet Academy in this story."} {"id":"book","id.1":220,"text":"The year, given as 2356, has been adjusted to a time shortly after the Raven's disappearance."} {"id":"book","id.1":221,"text":"Story is set during the spring semester of La Forge's first year at Starfleet Academy."} {"id":"book","id.1":222,"text":"Story is set during Troi's first year at Starfleet Academy in 2354, according to the \"Starfleet Timeline\" in this book."} {"id":"book","id.1":223,"text":"Jack Crusher died one year earlier. His presence at the battle of Maxia Zeta is a hypothetical scenario created by the Traveler."} {"id":"book","id.1":224,"text":"The year, given as 2358, has been adjusted to a time two years after the Raven's disappearance."} {"id":"book","id.1":225,"text":"The destruction of Rinax in chapter 10 is fifteen years prior to the episode \"Jetrel\" (VOY), although this was later contradicted by the episode \"Mortal Coil\" (VOY)."} {"id":"book","id.1":226,"text":"These three stories are set during Worf's first year at Starfleet Academy."} {"id":"book","id.1":227,"text":"Phoebe's age (twenty-three) is incorrect for this period."} {"id":"book","id.1":228,"text":"This \"anti-time\" portion of the story is an alternate past in which the Enterprise does not go to Farpoint Station."} {"id":"book","id.1":229,"text":"Takes place concurrently with \"Encounter at Farpoint\" (TNG). The stardate of 42372.5 given in the book is a mismatch with the episode."} {"id":"book","id.1":230,"text":"This \"track\" is set in an alternate timeline where Jack Crusher is the Enterprise captain."} {"id":"book","id.1":231,"text":"Takes place after \"Hide and Q\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":232,"text":"Takes place concurrently with the episode \"Too Short a Season\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":233,"text":"Story is set immediately after \"Arsenal of Freedom\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":234,"text":"Elsewhere in Pathways we learn that Torres and Paris spent at least one year at the Academy at the same time. Therefore, Torres must have entered the Academy no later than 2364."} {"id":"book","id.1":235,"text":"Set two weeks after \"The Arsenal of Freedom\" (TNG) and immediately before \"Skin of Evil\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":236,"text":"Story is set shortly after \"Skin of Evil\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":237,"text":"Takes place immediately after \"The Neutral Zone\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":238,"text":"Janeway meets Tuvok on the same day as Tom Paris's accident. Tuvok is an ensign here, but earlier in Catalyst of Sorrows he was a lieutenant."} {"id":"book","id.1":239,"text":"Begins simultaneous with \"The Measure of a Man\" (TNG) and continues throughout Sonya Gomez's tour on the Enterprise-D."} {"id":"book","id.1":240,"text":"Doctor Pulaski is leaving the Enterprise and Doctor Crusher is returning."} {"id":"book","id.1":241,"text":"Near the end of chapter 14, Janeway informs Tuvok that she will soon take command of the Intrepid-class U.S.S. Voyager,even though the events of \"Caretaker\" are still years away. One might presume that these plans were delayed substantially following the debacle at Wolf 359."} {"id":"book","id.1":242,"text":"Data's thoughts in chapter 11 suggest that Pulaski has left the ship only recently."} {"id":"book","id.1":243,"text":"Takes place twenty-six years after Geordi first received his VISOR; not twenty-seven as claimed in the text."} {"id":"book","id.1":244,"text":"The May calendar date was ignored in favor of the stardate."} {"id":"book","id.1":245,"text":"The 42945.4 STARDATE given in the book was adjusted to fit a timeframe shortly after \"Ménage à Troi\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":246,"text":"The 44261.6 stardate given in the book was adjusted to fit a timeframe shortly after \"Ménage à Troi\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":247,"text":"The year, given as 2367, has been adjusted to a time during \"The Best of Both Worlds\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":248,"text":"Takes place during \"The Best of Both Worlds\" Part 2."} {"id":"book","id.1":249,"text":"Takes place during \"The Best of Both Worlds\" Part 2."} {"id":"book","id.1":250,"text":"The year, given as 2368, has been adjusted to a time just after \"The Best of Both Worlds\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":251,"text":"The year, given as 2368, has been adjusted to a time shortly after the Borg attack on Earth."} {"id":"book","id.1":252,"text":"The 45195.7 stardate given in the book was adjusted to fit a timeframe between \"Reunion\" (TNG) and \"Final Mission\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":253,"text":"This story is concurrent with \"The Loss\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":254,"text":"Given that Keiko's last name is now \"O'Brien,\" the 44010.2 stardate given in the book was adjusted to fit a timeframe after \"Data's Day\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":255,"text":"References to O'Brien's wedding in chapter six suggest placement soon after \"Data's Day\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":256,"text":"Takes place soon after \"Redemption, Part 2\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":257,"text":"Story is set immediately after \"Ensign Ro\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":258,"text":"This book novelizes parts 1 and 2 of the episode, and takes place concurrently with \"Dementia in D Minor.\""} {"id":"book","id.1":259,"text":"Takes place during the episode \"Conundrum\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":260,"text":"Molly is cutting her first tooth, thus we assume this occurs about six months after \"Disaster\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":261,"text":"Date adjusted from February to a time shortly after \"Cause and Effect.\""} {"id":"book","id.1":262,"text":"Story is set over a year after \"The Drumhead\" (TNG), but not long after \"New Ground\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":263,"text":"The 45223.4 stardate given in the book was adjusted to fit a timeframe shortly after \"The Next Phase\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":264,"text":"Story is set within Picard's vision of life as Kamin in \"The Inner Light\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":265,"text":"Takes place concurrently with \"Relics\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":266,"text":"The year, given in the journal as 2368, was adjusted to 2369, a few months after \"Cause and Effect\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":267,"text":"The year, given in the journal as 2368, was adjusted to 2369, a few months after \"Cause and Effect\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":268,"text":"The year, given in the journal as 2368, was adjusted to 2369, a few months after \"Cause and Effect\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":269,"text":"The year, given in the journal as 2368, was adjusted to 2369, a few months after \"Cause and Effect\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":270,"text":"The year, given in the journal as 2368, was adjusted to 2369, a few months after \"Cause and Effect\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":271,"text":"The timeshifts cover the period from two weeks before to two weeks after the Cardassian withdrawal in Book One."} {"id":"book","id.1":272,"text":"Story is set after \"First Duty\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":273,"text":"Story spans about three months. The book says this portion of the story takes place six years before the framing story, which would place it in 2368. However, we placed it in 2369 after \"Chain of Command\" (TNG), when Jellico was a captain, due to the fact that Jellico is an admiral in this story."} {"id":"book","id.1":274,"text":"This story is set a few days after the events of \"Emissary,\" the pilot episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine."} {"id":"book","id.1":275,"text":"The year, given in the journal as 2368, was adjusted to 2369."} {"id":"book","id.1":276,"text":"The 45741.9 stardate given in the book was adjusted to fit the post \"Emissary\" (DS9) timeframe."} {"id":"book","id.1":277,"text":"The year, given in the journal as 2368, was adjusted to 2369."} {"id":"book","id.1":278,"text":"Takes place after the Aphasia virus outbreak in \"Babel\" (DS9) and about a month after \"A Man Alone\" (DS9). References to Molly's age (3) and the years since the O'Briens' wedding (4) are incorrect."} {"id":"book","id.1":279,"text":"Takes place concurrently with the episode \"Tapestry.\" The year 2367 given in the story is an editing oversight."} {"id":"book","id.1":280,"text":"Story is set before \"Timescape\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":281,"text":"Story is set before the episode \"Battle Lines\" (DS9)."} {"id":"book","id.1":282,"text":"These two books take place over the course of several months in the Mirror Universe of \"Mirror, Mirror\" (TOS), and ends before \"Crossover\" (DS9)."} {"id":"book","id.1":283,"text":"Story is set after \"Battle Lines\" (DS9) and before \"The Homecoming\" (DS9)."} {"id":"book","id.1":284,"text":"The 47511.3 stardate given in the book was adjusted to fit a timeframe shortly after \"Second Chances\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":285,"text":"The 47821.2 stardate given in the book was adjusted to fit a late 2369 timeframe prior to the departure of Ensign Ro."} {"id":"book","id.1":286,"text":"This book novelizes part 1 of the episode, which is set in late 2369, and part 2, which is set at the beginning of 2370."} {"id":"book","id.1":287,"text":"Story is set between the first and second seasons of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine."} {"id":"book","id.1":288,"text":"Most references in this book would place it between the first and second seasons of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. A reference to theDefiant was accidentally added during editing, since the book was published after the Defiant was introduced at the beginning of the third season."} {"id":"book","id.1":289,"text":"Story is set before \"Force of Nature\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":290,"text":"Describes the events of \"A Matter of Time\" (TNG) as occurring \"a few years ago.\" This is the final appearance of George Primmin."} {"id":"book","id.1":291,"text":"Story is set one year before \"Defiant\" (DS9)."} {"id":"book","id.1":292,"text":"Chapter 2 references the poker tournament from The Big Game (DS9 #4)."} {"id":"book","id.1":293,"text":"Story is set after \"Force of Nature\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":294,"text":"Story is set during the first anniversary of the discovery of the Bajoran Wormhole on stardate 46379.1."} {"id":"book","id.1":295,"text":"An historians' note places this story in the second season of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. The 46384.1 stardate given in the book was adjusted to fit the specified timeframe."} {"id":"book","id.1":296,"text":"Story is set three years after the Borg attack at Wolf 359 in 2367."} {"id":"book","id.1":297,"text":"Additionally, this is the timeframe of the non-holodeck portions of (ENT) \"These are the Voyages...\""} {"id":"book","id.1":298,"text":"Worf mentions he encountered a similar type of dislocation before. Hence, the story is set some time after \"Parallels\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":299,"text":"Story is set shortly after \"Thine Own Self\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":300,"text":"Story is set in the first or second season of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine."} {"id":"book","id.1":301,"text":"The 47146.2 stardate given in the book was adjusted to fit a timeframe shortly before \"Eye of the Beholder\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":302,"text":"Over two years after \"Cause and Effect\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":303,"text":"Story is set late in the second season of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine when the runabout Mekong was in use by DS9 personnel."} {"id":"book","id.1":304,"text":"Story is set shortly after \"Preemptive Strike\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":305,"text":"Story is set shortly after \"Crossover\" (DS9). The given date of March 15, 2368 may be an error, or may be a result of the corrupted timestream."} {"id":"book","id.1":306,"text":"Story is set prior to Voyager's launch."} {"id":"book","id.1":307,"text":"This book novelizes parts 1 and 2 of the episode."} {"id":"book","id.1":308,"text":"The Defiant is undergoing repairs, which would be consistent with the damage inflicted during \"The Search\" (DS9)."} {"id":"book","id.1":309,"text":"A reference to Alexander as being twelve years old is inconsistent with The Star Trek Chronology."} {"id":"book","id.1":310,"text":"This story takes place over 100 years after \"The Devil in the Dark\" (TOS), between \"Doctors Three\" (SNW 2) and Star Trek: Generations."} {"id":"book","id.1":311,"text":"Story takes place on Riker's birthday (around Stardate xx286.5) but after Deanna and Worf have begun courting. Therefore, the year was adjusted to 2371."} {"id":"book","id.1":312,"text":"The Star Trek Chronology mentions Tom Riker was on the Gandhi for about a year before joining the Maquis. Two statements in this novel that indicate that he was on the Gandhi for two years have been disregarded."} {"id":"book","id.1":313,"text":"Story is set during Picard's eighth year of command of the Enterprise-D."} {"id":"book","id.1":314,"text":"Picard's gray uniform on the cover is not indicative of the uniform in use in the story."} {"id":"book","id.1":315,"text":"There is also a Young Adult novelization available. Note that the hardcover edition gives a differing account of Kirk's death."} {"id":"book","id.1":316,"text":"Occurs simultaneously with Star Trek: Generations."} {"id":"book","id.1":317,"text":"Takes place during Star Trek: Generations."} {"id":"book","id.1":318,"text":"Takes place at the time of Kirk's death during Star Trek: Generations."} {"id":"book","id.1":319,"text":"Occurs during and immediately following Kirk's death in Star Trek: Generations."} {"id":"book","id.1":320,"text":"Occurs during Star Trek: Generations and offers an account of Kirk's resurrection differing from that in The Return."} {"id":"book","id.1":321,"text":"Takes place during Generations, with the last section occurring after \"Solemn Duty.\""} {"id":"book","id.1":322,"text":"The month, given in the journal as November, was adjusted."} {"id":"book","id.1":323,"text":"Story is set a month after Star Trek: Generations."} {"id":"book","id.1":324,"text":"Story begins prior to \"Caretaker\" (VOY) and continues through the beginning of that episode."} {"id":"book","id.1":325,"text":"These sections take place during \"Caretaker\" (VOY)."} {"id":"book","id.1":326,"text":"The month, given as March, has been adjusted."} {"id":"book","id.1":327,"text":"The author suggests this novel takes place during the first half of the first season of Star Trek: Voyager."} {"id":"book","id.1":328,"text":"The month has been adjusted from April."} {"id":"book","id.1":329,"text":"References in this novel and its publication date suggest a Star Trek: Voyager first-season timeframe."} {"id":"book","id.1":330,"text":"The story's stardate of 48135.6 was adjusted to a time after \"Caretaker\" (VOY)."} {"id":"book","id.1":331,"text":"This story is set between the third-season episodes \"Life Support\" and \"Heart of Stone.\""} {"id":"book","id.1":332,"text":"Takes place prior to the station's defensive upgrades in \"The Way of the Warrior\" (DS9), but Sisko is incorrectly addressed as \"Captain.\""} {"id":"book","id.1":333,"text":"The 43897.1 stardate given in the book was adjusted to fit a Star Trek: Voyager first-season timeframe."} {"id":"book","id.1":334,"text":"Story is set between \"The Adversary\" (DS9) and \"The Way of the Warrior\" (DS9)."} {"id":"book","id.1":335,"text":"Story is set between \"The Adversary\" (DS9) and \"The Way of the Warrior\" (DS9)."} {"id":"book","id.1":336,"text":"Story is set between \"The Adversary\" (DS9) and \"The Way of the Warrior\" (DS9)."} {"id":"book","id.1":337,"text":"Story is set after \"Learning Curve\" (VOY), roughly around the same time as Invasion! #3: Time's Enemy (DS9 #16)."} {"id":"book","id.1":338,"text":"Story is set between the third and fourth seasons of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine."} {"id":"book","id.1":339,"text":"Story is set between the third and fourth seasons of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine."} {"id":"book","id.1":340,"text":"Chapter 5 sets the story shortly after Cassidy Yates moved to the station in \"Indiscretion\" (DS9). Molly's age six in chapter 2 is incorrect."} {"id":"book","id.1":341,"text":"Framing story is set during the second season of Star Trek: Voyager."} {"id":"book","id.1":342,"text":"Since the Enterprise-E must have been launched after the events of \"The Way of the Warrior\" (DS9), some of the references in this book to Klingon/Federation/Cardassian relations are problematic. We suspect that a second major Klingon invasion of Cardassia space was in the works during the events of this book. The storyline continues through September. References to Generations having occurred 4-5 months earlier have been disregarded."} {"id":"book","id.1":343,"text":"This story is set shortly after the fourth-season episode \"Our Man Bashir.\""} {"id":"book","id.1":344,"text":"Story is set immediately after \"Paradise Lost\" (DS9). The historians' note placing this book in the first or second season of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is incorrect. This story presents the first meeting between Sisko and the Temporal Investigators, Dulmer and Lucsly, even though they appear to never have met each other in \"Trials and Tribble-Ations\" (DS9)."} {"id":"book","id.1":345,"text":"Story is set three months after dissolution of Khitomer accords, right before Day of Honor #3: Her Klingon Soul (VOY). The story is unclear as to whether the stardate of 3962 is a colloquial shortening of a current stardate, or whether it a reference to the TOS-era stardate for Day of Honor #4: Treaty's Law (TOS)."} {"id":"book","id.1":346,"text":"Story is set in the fourth season of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine."} {"id":"book","id.1":347,"text":"Set just after \"Bar Association\" (DS9)."} {"id":"book","id.1":348,"text":"The author's notes suggest that Picard tells this story in the Captain's Table bar as the captain of the Enterprise-E though the events he describes are several years earlier aboard the Enterprise-D."} {"id":"book","id.1":349,"text":"Takes place seventy-nine years after the launch of the Enterprise-B or about a year after Kirk's death in Generations."} {"id":"book","id.1":350,"text":"Story is set after \"Bar Association\" (DS9)."} {"id":"book","id.1":351,"text":"Story is set between \"Little Green Men\" (DS9) and \"The Ascent\" (DS9). Both this story and \"Best Tools Available\" tell of Nog taking the Kobayashi Maru test."} {"id":"book","id.1":352,"text":"Story takes place during the period of cooperation between the Federation and Cardassia, about six years prior to Wesley's return in A Time to Be Born."} {"id":"book","id.1":353,"text":"Story is set \"years after\" \"The Nth Degree\" (TNG) in late 2367, and after the launch of Voyager in early 2371."} {"id":"book","id.1":354,"text":"Story is set six months prior to Star Trek: First Contact."} {"id":"book","id.1":355,"text":"Story is set after Worf joins the DS9 crew, but before the Dominion War."} {"id":"book","id.1":356,"text":".0 was the original stardate for the book, but aside from having too many digits, this book takes place at least a year later than 49175.0."} {"id":"book","id.1":357,"text":"A reference to the Dominion War is erroneous, as the war did not start until very late in 2373."} {"id":"book","id.1":358,"text":"Story is set one year after Day of Honor #2: Armageddon Sky (DS9)."} {"id":"book","id.1":359,"text":"Takes place about two years after \"Caretaker\" (VOY)."} {"id":"book","id.1":360,"text":"Story is set between \"Nor the Battle to the Strong\" (DS9) and \"the Ascent\" (DS9)."} {"id":"book","id.1":361,"text":"References in chapter 31 set the story shortly after \"Future's End\" (VOY)."} {"id":"book","id.1":362,"text":"There is also a Young Adult novelization available."} {"id":"book","id.1":363,"text":"Concurrent with the Borg invasion in Star Trek: First Contact."} {"id":"book","id.1":364,"text":"Concurrent with the Borg invasion in Star Trek: First Contact."} {"id":"book","id.1":365,"text":"Data can turn off his emotion chip but apparently cannot yet remove it, and Worf is aboard. Therefore, the story must be set immediately after Star Trek: First Contact, before Worf returns to DS9."} {"id":"book","id.1":366,"text":"The month, given as December, has been adjusted."} {"id":"book","id.1":367,"text":"The 50396.2 stardate given in the story was adjusted to fit a timeframe shortly after \"Fair Trade\" (VOY)."} {"id":"book","id.1":368,"text":"A reference to the Klingon invasion of Cardassia is inconsistent with the rest of the main story."} {"id":"book","id.1":369,"text":"Story is set \"just prior to the Dominion War,\" specifically, just before \"In Purgatory's Shadow.\""} {"id":"book","id.1":370,"text":"The historian's note placing this trilogy in the fourth season is inaccurate. It takes place after \"By Inferno's Light\" but before \"Doctor Bashir, I Presume.\""} {"id":"book","id.1":371,"text":"Story is set two years after The Return."} {"id":"book","id.1":372,"text":"This story is set during the fifth-season episode \"Soldiers of the Empire.\""} {"id":"book","id.1":373,"text":"Story is set after the Doctor gets his mobile emitter in \"Future's End\" (VOY) but before Seven of Nine joins the Voyager crew in \"Scorpion, Part 2\" (VOY)."} {"id":"book","id.1":374,"text":"Takes place after Kes learns of her possible future (s) in \"Before and After\" (VOY)."} {"id":"book","id.1":375,"text":"The stardate applies to later events in the book. This novelization adapts the DS9 episodes \"Call to Arms,\" \"A Time to Stand,\" \"Rocks and Shoals,\" and the first portion of \"Sons and Daughters.\" The book concludes in early 2374."} {"id":"book","id.1":376,"text":"Set between the episodes \"Call to Arms\" and \"A Time to Stand.\""} {"id":"book","id.1":377,"text":"This novel begins soon after the fall of DS9 to Cardassian control late in 2373, as described in The Dominion War #2: Call to Arms."} {"id":"book","id.1":378,"text":"This book ends in early 2374, several days after the end of \"Sacrifice of Angels\" (DS9)."} {"id":"book","id.1":379,"text":"This novelization adapts the second portion of DS9's \"Sons and Daughters,\" plus the episodes \"Behind the Lines,\" \"Favor the Bold\" and \"Sacrifice of Angels,\" ending shortly after \"Three Sides to Every Story\" (PAC). The 69923.2 stardate given in the book was adjusted to fit the Dominion War timeframe."} {"id":"book","id.1":380,"text":"Occurs simultaneously with the beginning of \"The Gift\" (VOY)."} {"id":"book","id.1":381,"text":"Story continues through a period ending concurrently with \"The Killing Game\" (VOY)."} {"id":"book","id.1":382,"text":"References to Day of Honor #3: Her Klingon Soul (VOY)occuring one year ago are inaccurate."} {"id":"book","id.1":383,"text":"Set approximately during the episode \"Favor the Bold.\""} {"id":"book","id.1":384,"text":"This story spans the sixth-season episodes \"Behind the Lines,\" \"Favor the Bold,\" and \"Sacrifice of Angels.\""} {"id":"book","id.1":385,"text":"The story is set sometime during the Dominion War."} {"id":"book","id.1":386,"text":"Set during the episode \"You Are Cordially Invited...\" (DS9)."} {"id":"book","id.1":387,"text":"Story is set shortly after \"You Are Cordially Invited...\" (DS9)."} {"id":"book","id.1":388,"text":"The 52501.6 stardate given in the story was adjusted to fit a timeframe before \"Message in a Bottle\" (VOY). Data and Doctor Crusher's uniforms in the story's picture are not indicative of the uniforms in use in the story."} {"id":"book","id.1":389,"text":"The year was erroneously given as 2375."} {"id":"book","id.1":390,"text":"The date, given as October 2377, has been adjusted."} {"id":"book","id.1":391,"text":"The year was erroneously given as 2375. Story continues concurrently with \"Hunters\" (VOY)."} {"id":"book","id.1":392,"text":"The given stardate of 500146.2 was changed to fit a time shortly after \"Message in a Bottle\" (VOY)."} {"id":"book","id.1":393,"text":"In chapter 18, Picard reflects on the recent entry of the Romulans to the Dominion War. This is inconsistent with the fact that at the time of this trilogy Betazed has not yet fallen to the Dominion, an event which indirectly led to the Romulan entry to the war (\"In the Pale Moonlight\" [DS9]). The omnibus edition of this trilogy corrects both this problem and the stardate in Q-Space."} {"id":"book","id.1":394,"text":"Story starts after the framing sequence of The Captain's Table #5: Once Burned (NF)and ends shortly before Double Helix #5: Double or Nothing (TNG #55)."} {"id":"book","id.1":395,"text":"Story is set shortly after \"Message in a Bottle\" (VOY)."} {"id":"book","id.1":396,"text":"Story is a direct sequel toSpectre."} {"id":"book","id.1":397,"text":"Takes place concurrently with \"In the Pale Moonlight.\""} {"id":"book","id.1":398,"text":"Story is set some time after \"The Killing Game, Part 2\" (VOY)."} {"id":"book","id.1":399,"text":"Only the holographic recreations seen during the episode are set in this timeframe. The framing story is set roughly around the thirtieth century."} {"id":"book","id.1":400,"text":"This story is set after the events of the sixth-season episode \"In the Pale Moonlight,\" in the days leading up to \"Time's Orphan.\""} {"id":"book","id.1":401,"text":"The framing sequence for this book takes place a little less than a year after Seven of Nine joins the Voyager crew."} {"id":"book","id.1":402,"text":"The story begins forty-three days after \"Valiant\" (DS9) and continues for about ten days."} {"id":"book","id.1":403,"text":"The timeshifts cover the period from five days before to five days after the destruction of the station in Book One."} {"id":"book","id.1":404,"text":"Takes place during \"Tears of the Prophets.\""} {"id":"book","id.1":405,"text":"This story retells the same events as \"Second Star to the Right...\" (TLOD short story)."} {"id":"book","id.1":406,"text":"This story takes place about two months after \"Tears of the Prophets\" (DS9), a month before \"Image in the Sand\" (DS9), and a few months before Star Trek: Insurrection."} {"id":"book","id.1":407,"text":"This story is set during the three-month period between the sixth and seventh seasons of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine."} {"id":"book","id.1":408,"text":"Takes place during \"Afterimage\" (DS9)."} {"id":"book","id.1":409,"text":"Takes place \"almost a year\" after \"The Raven\" (VOY)."} {"id":"book","id.1":410,"text":"This story is set between the seventh-season episodes \"Afterimage\" and \"Take Me Out to the Holosuite.\""} {"id":"book","id.1":411,"text":"Takes place concurrently with \"The Siege at AR-558.\""} {"id":"book","id.1":412,"text":"There is also a Young Adult novelization available."} {"id":"book","id.1":413,"text":"Runs concurrently through \"The Changing Face of Evil\" (DS9) until two months after the Breen attack on Earth."} {"id":"book","id.1":414,"text":"Story is set sometime before the siege of Cardassia in \"The Changing Face of Evil\" (DS9), and immediately follows the second half of Dark Victory (TNG hardcover)."} {"id":"book","id.1":415,"text":"Story is set after \"Once Upon a Time\" (VOY)."} {"id":"book","id.1":416,"text":"Story is set after \"It's Only a Paper Moon\" (DS9) and before \"What You Leave Behind\" (DS9)."} {"id":"book","id.1":417,"text":"Story continues through \"Dark Frontier\" (VOY)."} {"id":"book","id.1":418,"text":"Takes place during \"Strange Bedfellows.\""} {"id":"book","id.1":419,"text":"Takes place during \"When It Rains...\""} {"id":"book","id.1":420,"text":"Takes place during \"Tacking into the Wind.\""} {"id":"book","id.1":421,"text":"This story spans from the middle of \"Tacking Into the Wind\" (DS9) through \"What You Leave Behind\" (DS9)."} {"id":"book","id.1":422,"text":"This story is set during the seventh-season episode \"The Dogs of War,\" the penultimate episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine."} {"id":"book","id.1":423,"text":"This is an apocryphal story, told by Zak Kebron to his son 150 years later."} {"id":"book","id.1":424,"text":"Takes place concurrently with chapters 1-11 of What You Leave Behind."} {"id":"book","id.1":425,"text":"The month, given as September, has been adjusted."} {"id":"book","id.1":426,"text":"Occurs simultaneously with \"What You Leave Behind\" (DS9)."} {"id":"book","id.1":427,"text":"Sisko's disappearance occurs around Thanksgiving, according toCathedral (DS9)."} {"id":"book","id.1":428,"text":"Takes place after \"The Q and the Grey\" (VOY) but before Voyager has returned home."} {"id":"book","id.1":429,"text":"Gemworld #1 states Reginald Barclay is on the Enterprise, but \"Pathfinder\" (VOY), set in 2376, mentions Barclay was on Earth for almost two years."} {"id":"book","id.1":430,"text":"This book novelizes part 1 of the episode, which is set in late 2375, and part 2, which is set at the beginning of 2376."} {"id":"book","id.1":431,"text":"Takes place ten years after \"The Most Toys\" (TNG)."} {"id":"book","id.1":432,"text":"Story is set less than three months since the end of the Dominion War."} {"id":"book","id.1":433,"text":"The backstory takes place much earlier than the stated twenty years, given Si Cwan's age."} {"id":"book","id.1":434,"text":"The story continues through \"Barge of the Dead\" (VOY)."} {"id":"book","id.1":435,"text":"Stories span several months. The three books take place simultaneously."} {"id":"book","id.1":436,"text":"Takes place eight months after Naomi's first away mission in \"Bliss\" (VOY)."} {"id":"book","id.1":437,"text":"Concurrent with the Excalibur trilogy."} {"id":"book","id.1":438,"text":"SCE #1-4 were collected into the printed volume Have Tech, Will Travel (SCE Book One)."} {"id":"book","id.1":439,"text":"The entire collection of reports was \"published\" sometime after the Bajoran celebration of Ha'mara in 2376. The Voyager-specific information was obtained following \"Message in a Bottle\" (VOY). \"Ashes, Ashes\" and \"At Times of Peril\" report events that occurred prior to the end of the Dominion War, while \"Glories of the Hebitians,\" \"A Warrior's Path\" and \"Footfalls of Tradition\" report events that occurred just after the war's end, around the cusp of 2375/76."} {"id":"book","id.1":440,"text":"The date, given as January 2378, has been adjusted."} {"id":"book","id.1":441,"text":"SCE #5-8 were collected into the printed volume Miracle Workers (SCE Book Two)."} {"id":"book","id.1":442,"text":"Takes place during the events of Interphase (SCE)."} {"id":"book","id.1":443,"text":"Story is set three months after \"What You Leave Behind\" (DS9)."} {"id":"book","id.1":444,"text":"Story runs parallel to DS9 stories Section 31: Abyss, Gateways #4: Demons of Air and Darkness, and the Mission: Gammamini-series."} {"id":"book","id.1":445,"text":"Invincible, Book One is simultaneous with Avatar;and Invincible, Book Two is simultaneous with Cold Fusion."} {"id":"book","id.1":446,"text":"Story begins two weeks after Avatar (DS9 duology)."} {"id":"book","id.1":447,"text":"SCE #9-12 were collected into the printed volume Some Assembly Required (SCE Book Three)."} {"id":"book","id.1":448,"text":"Gateways books three through six occur simultaneously."} {"id":"book","id.1":449,"text":"\"Horn and Ivory,\" \"Into the Queue,\" \"Death After Life,\" and \"The Other Side\" occur simultaneously."} {"id":"book","id.1":450,"text":"SCE #13-16 were collected into the printed volume No Surrender (SCE Book Four)."} {"id":"book","id.1":451,"text":"SCE #17-19 were collected into the printed volume Foundations (SCE Book Five), and the chapters were renumbered to run sequentially."} {"id":"book","id.1":452,"text":"SCE #20-24 were collected into the printed volume Wildfire (SCE Book Six)."} {"id":"book","id.1":453,"text":"The \"current day\" portions are simultaneous with Foundations andEnigma Ship."} {"id":"book","id.1":454,"text":"Story continues concurrently to the beginning of Stone and Anvil (NF #14)."} {"id":"book","id.1":455,"text":"A reference that Sisko went missing 214 days earlier was disregarded in favor of the story's other claims that Sisko disappeared around Thanksgiving whereas the current date is in August."} {"id":"book","id.1":456,"text":"SCE #25-28 were collected into the printed volume Breakdowns (SCE Book Seven)."} {"id":"book","id.1":457,"text":"Home Fires, Age of Unreason, Balance of Nature,andBreakdowns take place simultaneously, during the weeks when the da Vinci is being repaired."} {"id":"book","id.1":458,"text":"Takes place immediately before Mission: Gamma #4: Lesser Evil. SCE #29-36 were collected into the printed volume Aftermath (SCE Book Eight)."} {"id":"book","id.1":459,"text":"Continues through the beginning of Enemy Territory."} {"id":"book","id.1":460,"text":"Both this story and Unity each tell alternate versions of Kira's reunion with Odo."} {"id":"book","id.1":461,"text":"Continues over the next three weeks, to the time of the primary entry."} {"id":"book","id.1":462,"text":"Runs concurrently with chapter 2 of Security."} {"id":"book","id.1":463,"text":"Runs concurrently with SCE #52-54."} {"id":"book","id.1":464,"text":"Runs concurrently through the end of 2377."} {"id":"book","id.1":465,"text":"A reference to Kai Opaka being dead is not easily reconcilable with Unity."} {"id":"book","id.1":466,"text":"Story is set two months after Vulcan's Soul #1: Exodus."} {"id":"book","id.1":467,"text":"Framing story is set ten years after the Battle of Wolf 359 and six months before Stardate 54902."} {"id":"book","id.1":468,"text":"Occurs eight years after \"The Nagus\" (DS9) and after Ro's first visit to Ferenginar in Satisfaction Is Not Guaranteed. The details of the relationship between Quark and Ro may be apocryphal."} {"id":"book","id.1":469,"text":"The date, given as February 2378, has been adjusted."} {"id":"book","id.1":470,"text":"References to \"Scorpion\" (VOY) being \"over four years ago\" are inaccurate."} {"id":"book","id.1":471,"text":"Occurs during the events of Endgame."} {"id":"book","id.1":472,"text":"The given date of August 2377 has been adjusted."} {"id":"book","id.1":473,"text":"The month, given as June, has been adjusted."} {"id":"book","id.1":474,"text":"The given dates of September to October 2377 have been adjusted."} {"id":"book","id.1":475,"text":"The given month of May was disregarded."} {"id":"book","id.1":476,"text":"Story carries over into 2379."} {"id":"book","id.1":477,"text":"Continues through the events of Nemesis."} {"id":"book","id.1":478,"text":"Occurs during the events of Nemesis."} {"id":"book","id.1":479,"text":"Chapters 1-6 are concurrent with The Red King."} {"id":"book","id.1":480,"text":"This story is set an unspecified number of years after the events of the novel A Stitch in Time and the stage play \"The Dream Box,\" both of which follow the story of Garak beyond the events of the television series."} {"id":"book","id.1":481,"text":"Chapters 7-12 are concurrent with Orion's Hounds."} {"id":"book","id.1":482,"text":"Presumably this timeline is \"rebooted\" by the V'Ger/Decker/ Ilia entity in or about 12385."} {"id":"book","id.1":483,"text":"Story takes place when Picard is still in his eighties and Alexander has been ambassador to the Klingon Empire for at least fifteen years. Picard and Worf have known each other for thirty-eight years, so we assume they must have met during Worf's freshman year at the academy."} {"id":"book","id.1":484,"text":"This \"anti-time\" portion of the story must be regarded as an alternate future that is divergent from the \"mainstream\" universe."} {"id":"book","id.1":485,"text":"These sections of the two Millennium novels take place in an alternate future."} {"id":"book","id.1":486,"text":"This portion of the story must be regarded as an alternate future, based on Admiral Janeway's interference."} {"id":"book","id.1":487,"text":"Story is set in the alternate future from \"Endgame,\" though apparently in a parallel timeline where Neelix did not leave the ship in 2377."} {"id":"book","id.1":488,"text":"Except for the final chapter, this portion of the novel, set forty-two years after \"The Offspring\" (TNG), takes place in an alternate future."} {"id":"book","id.1":489,"text":"This story takes place in an alternate version of \"The Visitor.\""} {"id":"book","id.1":490,"text":"The date was calculated from \"Personal Log\" (SNW 4), which establishes a Kyrian year as .82 standard years."} {"id":"book","id.1":491,"text":"Story takes place twenty-seven years after the Emergency Medical Hologram Backup Module left Vaskan/Kyrian space, assuming his term as Surgical Chancellor was about twenty-five years. The EMH's claim that the story occurs in the middle of the thirtieth century is incorrect."} {"id":"book","id.1":492,"text":"Over a thousand \"fiscal cycles\" and/or forty-three generations after the timeframe of the storyteller's legend."} {"id":"book","id.1":493,"text":"Framing story is set 2, 000 years in an alternate future of TNG."} {"id":"event","id.1":1,"text":"The time and place of Borg origins is speculative and hotly debated. Placement here is based primarily upon Peter David's assertion in Vendetta that the Borg fought a war with the Preservers."} {"id":"event","id.1":2,"text":"As seen by Picard within a vision, this may be historically unreliable. In Spock's World, both of Surak's parents remain alive well into his adulthood."} {"id":"event","id.1":3,"text":"It is unlikely that this is the same Benny Russell who worked for the magazine Incredible Tales Of Scientific Wonder since he would only be fourteen, did not write for radio, and did not yet have knowledge of the Bajoran orb."} {"id":"event","id.1":4,"text":"It would appear that in Benny Russell's reality, Star Trek is his own fictional creation. This reality is experienced in a vision by Captain Sisko."} {"id":"event","id.1":5,"text":"Federation gives the year as 2030, which contradicts the information given in Broken Bow and Metamorphosis."} {"id":"event","id.1":6,"text":"The Icarus was not a sleeper ship. The 30-year duration of its voyage is a predictable consequence of relativistic time distortion at very high sublight speeds."} {"id":"event","id.1":7,"text":"The given year of 2061 is incorrect, as this would predate Cochrane's first manned test of warp drive."} {"id":"event","id.1":8,"text":"The text claims this to be the first encounter with Vulcans. Either the prior contact with Zefram Cochrane was kept secret, or else the author meant the first offworld contact initiated by an Earth vessel. This particular event appears to have paved the way toward diplomatic relations."} {"id":"event","id.1":9,"text":"Encounter At Farpoint speaks of the 'post-atomic horror' in 2079. Therefore, it seems that Col. Thorsen brought about a revival of the Optimum movement and a second nuclear war in the 2070s."} {"id":"event","id.1":10,"text":"This timeline will be eliminated when Captain Spock and Ensign Kirk from Second History travel back in time to foil the assassination."} {"id":"event","id.1":11,"text":"The text gives the year as 2117, which would be before Cochrane speaks at the Warp 5 Complex."} {"id":"event","id.1":12,"text":"The chronological references in this story are wildly contradictory and have been mostly ignored."} {"id":"event","id.1":13,"text":"This is ninety years prior to the events of The Final Reflection Part 3. This is described as the 'incorporation' of the U.F.P., a term also used in Federation to describe the events of 2161. However, it is well established that a Federation existed in some form during the First Romulan War. In Strangers From The Sky, the date is given as 2087, which contradicts Metamorphosis and Broken Bow."} {"id":"event","id.1":14,"text":"The descendants of the Verdun claim knowledge of the Enterprise, which obviously must refer to the NX-01, though Riker mistakenly calls it Constitution-class."} {"id":"event","id.1":15,"text":"In the novel Sarek, his father is said to be Solkar. Most other sources agree that Solkar is in fact his grandfather."} {"id":"event","id.1":16,"text":"Though this occurs in the interim after the Romulan War, the text indicates that the Romulans view the war as ongoing. This is not surprising, given that the Romulans continued to build and mobilize their forces during peacetime."} {"id":"event","id.1":17,"text":"Blish's novelization of Balance Of Terror contradicts the teleplay, which states that over a century had passed since the war. Duane's novel follows Blish's record of events, including the assertion that the conflict lasted 25 years. Therefore, we must assume that a protracted conflict resumed following the major war and was not conclusively resolved until this time. Negotiation of the treaty was urged by 'Ambassador' Sarek. Though not yet Ambassador Plenipotentiary, according to Spock's World he was likely posted to the Vulcan Embassy at this time."} {"id":"event","id.1":18,"text":"Described as first contact between the U.F.P. and the Klingon empire. This may be the first formal contact with the Federation, although Broken Bow establishes that Klingons had contact with Terrans prior to the founding of the U.F.P. One may assume that this is the incident that touched off fifty years of hostilities according to Day Of The Dove."} {"id":"event","id.1":19,"text":"The year is given as 2212, and the length of Sarek's stay on Earth is said to have been 50 years. Both are problematic."} {"id":"event","id.1":20,"text":"This takes place six years prior to Part 2. Considering that these events are all framed within a novel read by Kirk, they may be apocryphal."} {"id":"event","id.1":21,"text":"The story is internally inconsistent, giving Spock's age here as seven (Vulcan years?)."} {"id":"event","id.1":22,"text":"A letter from George Sr. to his children is dated May 10, 2183, obviously a little off the mark."} {"id":"event","id.1":23,"text":"Some sources give Kirk's age here as 14. We assume the figure is rounded up."} {"id":"event","id.1":24,"text":"This is 43 years before the framing story, whereas the text claims 45 years."} {"id":"event","id.1":25,"text":"According to Where No Man Has Gone Before, Kirk was a lieutenant when Mitchell joined the Academy. Friedman's story tries to reconcile this by suggesting Kirk achieved the rank in his second year as a student. A more reasonable solution would be to place Mitchell's academy years a bit later."} {"id":"event","id.1":26,"text":"The Enterprise is said to be only nine years old."} {"id":"event","id.1":27,"text":"According to the details given in the televised version of The Menagerie, the Talosian incident would be in 2253, while Spock's assignment to the Enterprise would be in 2252. However, these dates are incompatible with Spock's service record in Vulcan's Glory."} {"id":"event","id.1":28,"text":"Several novels, including The Wrath Of Khan and Faces Of Fire, contradict this account by claiming that Kirk was unaware of his son. Given that this scene is described as a dream, it may be historically unreliable."} {"id":"event","id.1":29,"text":"McIntyre's novel stretches the limits of credibility, forcing the reader to assume that the entire bridge crew (except Spock) transferred elsewhere prior to Where No Man Has Gone Before, only to return to their previous posts immediately thereafter. For those who would eliminate certain novels to preserve continuity, the storyline in Friedman's Brother's Keeper omnibus is probably preferred."} {"id":"event","id.1":30,"text":"Said to occur immediately after the Dimorus mission, when Gary Mitchell is hit with a poisoned dart. However, Captain's Peril establishes that Mitchell left the ship for over three months to recuperate. Must occur after Captain's Peril given the deaths of two crewmen."} {"id":"event","id.1":31,"text":"Kirk is surprised to hear Piper's request for a discharge. However, earlier in Strangers From The Sky, Piper's retirement date had already been set."} {"id":"event","id.1":32,"text":"It is inferred that Uhura, Bailey and Rand are coming aboard the Enterprise for the first time. Also, McCoy claims to have served with Kirk previously aboard the Constitution, but not the Enterprise."} {"id":"event","id.1":33,"text":"The text states that this is near the end of the five-year mission, which is inconsistent with all other references to Joanna's age."} {"id":"event","id.1":34,"text":"According to Spock in the television episode The Menagerie Part 1, this is thirteen years after the incident on Talos 4. In Journey To Babel, it has been eighteen years since Spock left home for Starfleet. Subtract the one year between the episodes, and we have only four years for young Spock to have received all his academy training, promotion to full lieutenant, and assignment as Second Officer aboard the Enterprise. This is incredible, even for a Vulcan; plus, it contradicts Spock's service record given in Dorothy Fontana's Vulcan's Glory. Fortunately, since the 'thirteen years' figure never appears anywhere in print, we can ignore it in good conscience."} {"id":"event","id.1":35,"text":"Footnotes referring to The Enterprise Incident and The Gamesters Of Triskelion are incongruent with the stated time frame of the story, which immediately follows Tomorrow Is Yesterday."} {"id":"event","id.1":36,"text":"A reference to an upcoming landing party mission on Gamma 2 invites the possibility that this novel should be immediately before The Gamesters Of Triskelion. However, this seems inconsistent with the untested relationship of Chekov to the rest of the bridge crew."} {"id":"event","id.1":37,"text":"The story is purported to occur in December, an unfortunate reflection of the Okuda timeline."} {"id":"event","id.1":38,"text":"McCoy's age (48) is problematic. The stardate was used as a reference instead."} {"id":"event","id.1":39,"text":"Spock asks Mudd how he managed to escape from the android planet. This creates a continuity error with the later episode, Mudd's Passion, when Kirk asks basically the same question."} {"id":"event","id.1":40,"text":"April makes the problematic claim to have taken command of the Enterprise 'four decades ago'."} {"id":"event","id.1":41,"text":"The events of Spock Must Die! include a massive six-month war with the Klingon Empire, as well as a judgement handed down by the Organians depriving the Klingons of spaceflight for a thousand years. Obviously, it is quite impossible to reconcile this with the rest of the Trek chronology. However, at the end of Mudd's Angels, the Enterprise is flung backward in time at least six months. Therefore, one must assume that the events of Spock Must Die! occur within that period, thus becoming a divergent timeline. Spock, Messiah! refers to events in Spock Must Die!, and therefore must also belong to the alternate timeline. To appease those who worship at the shrine of the Okudachron, you may even assume that all of the Bantam novels, as well as the Animated Series, are a part of this divergent reality as well; Also Prime Directive, which could never fit into established Trek history."} {"id":"event","id.1":42,"text":"Kirk receives his orders from Admiral Nogura, but it is reasonable to assume that Nogura is not yet Starfleet Chief of Staff. Note that Triangle suggests that Commander-In-Chief and Chief Of Staff may be distinctly separate positions."} {"id":"event","id.1":43,"text":"The crew complement and rank clearly place this event within the original five-year mission. However, the 'author's notes' of the novel read by Kirk inexplicably claim it to have been written well over ten years since the Organian peace treaty, and 65 years since first contact with the Klingons."} {"id":"event","id.1":44,"text":"Spock's rank is given as Lt. Commander, which is inconsistent with Chekov's presence on the bridge."} {"id":"event","id.1":45,"text":"Kirk's claim that the crew will take shore leave 'for the first time in seven months' is assumed to be an exaggeration."} {"id":"event","id.1":46,"text":"A reference to Admiral Noguchi as Fleet Commander is assumed to be a misprint."} {"id":"event","id.1":47,"text":"A diary entry dated '10/5/06' obviously reflects some alternate dating system."} {"id":"event","id.1":48,"text":"The Malurian system was wiped out in The Changeling, but they feature prominently in this story, suggesting placement prior to that episode. However, the presence of Dr. M'Benga disallows it. Granted, the star system in The Changeling was Omega Ceti, whereas Friedman gives Alpha Maluria, so it is possible that the race had colonized many different systems. More troubling is that David Marcus is ten years old. David is twenty during The Wrath Of Khan, which is consistent with the idea that Kirk and Carol broke off their relationship just prior to his captaincy. If the story occurs 'halfway though the five-year mission' (per the historian's note), David would still be a toddler. Even according to Okuda, he would only be about six."} {"id":"event","id.1":49,"text":"Sadly, this story represents the second time Chekov has been promoted to Lieutenant. Perhaps the earlier change was only a field promotion. The year has been adjusted from the given date of 2269."} {"id":"event","id.1":50,"text":"The year has been adjusted from the given date of 2270."} {"id":"event","id.1":51,"text":"The story occurs during the Apollo Tricentennial, presumably commemorating the end of the entire Apollo space program in 1972."} {"id":"event","id.1":52,"text":"Internal references would place the story in 2272, which contradicts the Historian's Note and Chekov's rank."} {"id":"event","id.1":53,"text":"There is no easy way to reconcile the various Mudd stories, all of which claim to be his first meeting with Kirk's crew since 'I, Mudd.' Crew rank implies that this story is during the original five-year mission; but given the established timeframes of Mudd In Your Eye and Mudd's Passion, plus a gap of several years before this story, a post-TMP placement is necessary."} {"id":"event","id.1":54,"text":"Despite McCoy's comment in TMP that Chapel is an M.D., we must assume that she had not yet completed her practicals and thesis."} {"id":"event","id.1":55,"text":"Minor inconsistencies in crew rank. Chekov and Sulu are both lieutenants."} {"id":"event","id.1":56,"text":"The Rihannsu novels 2-4 clearly follow Spock's World, especially given the appearance of K's't'lk in Swordhunt; however, most of the crew ranks are incorrect for this period."} {"id":"event","id.1":57,"text":"Saavik is still attending the academy six years later in The Wrath Of Khan; this is consistent with the fact that she achieves the rank of Lieutenant while still a student. The story contains an inference that T'Pau is still alive... and in fact, a Vulcan matriarch with the same name is very much alive decades later in Vulcan's Heart."} {"id":"event","id.1":58,"text":"Many of the novels in this period feature the red 'tunic-style' uniforms and Chekov as a Lieutenant Commander. Unfortunately, the New Earth series chronicles not only the introduction of the new uniforms but also Chekov's promotion and transfer to the Reliant. Therefore, uniform style and Chekov's rank must be ignored during this period."} {"id":"event","id.1":59,"text":"For whatever reason, Chekov's new assignment is substantially delayed until the Belle Terre expedition."} {"id":"event","id.1":60,"text":"Year is given as 2279, which is eight years prior to ST:TFF per the Okuda timeline."} {"id":"event","id.1":61,"text":"The text gives the year as 2272, and the cover blurbs support this date by placing the New Earth series shortly after the V'ger incident. However, the details of the story clearly support a much later date: Spock is a captain, Kirk is an instructor, the Enterprise is a training vessel, Chekov is about to be transferred, etc. Furthermore, the uniform alterations would not occur so soon after the change in ST:TMP. Nonetheless, we must contend with several problems, including the whereabouts of Sulu's daughter and the fact that Chekov hasn't yet received the promotion to First Officer of the Reliant as mentioned in Deep Domain."} {"id":"event","id.1":62,"text":"The story mentions that Spock has resigned from Starfleet and intends to return to Vulcan, suggesting placement just after The Lost Years. However, the story also states that Spock is a 'former captain' and implies that Admiral Kirk reports to Admiral Morrow; therefore, we must assume that Spock made this decision in the post-TMP timeframe only to reconsider soon after."} {"id":"event","id.1":63,"text":"Several problems here. The story takes place two days before the scheduled launch of the Excelsior, which is during the events of The Search For Spock when Saavik would be investigating the Genesis planet. We must assume that this is an earlier launch date which was postponed following the accident. Also, Saavik is consistently addressed as 'cadet' though she must hold a commissioned rank by this time. Finally, several references in the television series indicate that Torias would not have been joined until sometime between 2286-88."} {"id":"event","id.1":64,"text":"March. The text gives the date of March 14, 2285. The Genesis Wave dates Spock's death on March 26, 2285."} {"id":"event","id.1":65,"text":"Year is given as 2287, per the Okuda timeline."} {"id":"event","id.1":66,"text":"Dillard's novelization places this event seven years prior to Generations. Note that the screenplay gives nine years, which would be prior to TWOK on the Okuda timeline."} {"id":"event","id.1":67,"text":"Sarek's age (138) is incorrect."} {"id":"event","id.1":68,"text":"The date is given as Spring 2294, which would be after Kirk's disappearance in Generations."} {"id":"event","id.1":69,"text":"Both the stated year (2295) and Kirk's age (62) would be after Kirk's disappearance in Generations."} {"id":"event","id.1":70,"text":"Flashback implies that Tuvok resigned immediately after TUC, while Pathways states that Tuvok completed just a three-year tour of duty aboard Excelsior before leaving Starfleet. This is six years after Tuvok's 'graduation', which we must assume refers to his advanced degree."} {"id":"event","id.1":71,"text":"The Commander Rachel Garrett in this story must be a different person than the one in command of the Enterprise-C."} {"id":"event","id.1":72,"text":"The story features T'Pau of Vulcan, but it is unclear if this is the same T'Pau that purportedly died in Spock's World."} {"id":"event","id.1":73,"text":"Said to be twenty years prior to the main story; however, Si Cwan's age (eight) demands placement here."} {"id":"event","id.1":74,"text":"The dates given for the journal entries are almost entirely inaccurate, and are included here for reference only."} {"id":"event","id.1":75,"text":"March. This is chronicled in detail in the Young Adult series of novels."} {"id":"event","id.1":76,"text":"Tuvok is a Lieutenant here, but in Pathways he remains an Ensign until 2366."} {"id":"event","id.1":77,"text":"The length of Neelix's later stint as a scavenger is unknown, thus the placement of all prior events in his life is uncertain. The destruction of Rinax is well-referenced in the television series, but the data conflicts wildly: 15 years prior to the episode Jetrel, or 11 years prior to 'Mortal Coil.' The shorter timeframe is preferred."} {"id":"event","id.1":78,"text":"Probably the single most absurd detail of the Okuda chronology is the claim that Worf's son Alexander was conceived at this time."} {"id":"event","id.1":79,"text":"According to Janeway in the television series, this event should be nine years prior to the episode 'Revulsion.' The span has been shortened to eight years to coincide with Tom Paris's training accident."} {"id":"event","id.1":80,"text":"This particular 'alternate universe' appears to be incongruous with the one described in other stories, as 'Tiberius' Kirk never arose to power."} {"id":"event","id.1":81,"text":"Most of the journal dates are incorrect."} {"id":"event","id.1":82,"text":"Molly's age may be incorrect."} {"id":"event","id.1":83,"text":"The year '2367' is the result of an editing error."} {"id":"event","id.1":84,"text":"The year given in the story (2370) is too late given Ro's presence aboard the Enterprise."} {"id":"event","id.1":85,"text":"References placing the story 'eighty years' after Demons are incorrect."} {"id":"event","id.1":86,"text":"Alexander's age is given as twelve, but should be ten or eleven."} {"id":"event","id.1":87,"text":"Several details conflict with Pathways. Chakotay's ship is called the Geronomo; and Tuvok is found on a shuttle in the DMZ, not recruited on Bajor."} {"id":"event","id.1":88,"text":"This happens only in the alternate timeline where Soran succeeds in destroying the Veridian sun."} {"id":"event","id.1":89,"text":"Spock's reference to the crew's 'final adventure' together is incorrect, unless he meant the last time aboard the Enterprise."} {"id":"event","id.1":90,"text":"Unfortunately, the author elected to completely rewrite several scenes already covered in Caretaker, even changing the names of the doctor and nurse in the process."} {"id":"event","id.1":91,"text":"The month, given as April, is incorrect."} {"id":"event","id.1":92,"text":"Said to occur prior to the Klingon invasion of Cardassia, which is impossible given Worf and Nog's presence aboard the Defiant."} {"id":"event","id.1":93,"text":"Spock's age (143) would place the story one year later, whereas the number of years since the Babel conference (106) would be a year earlier. The Okuda dating provides a compromise."} {"id":"event","id.1":94,"text":"Mention is made of the war and of races in the Alpha quadrant that have fallen to the Dominion; however, the wormhole is still accessible to the Founders."} {"id":"event","id.1":95,"text":"Runs concurrently with Sacrifice Of Angels"} {"id":"event","id.1":96,"text":"The dates in these sections are a mess. Some are out of sequence and appear to be misprinted."} {"id":"event","id.1":97,"text":"Since this story takes place two months after the television episode Message In A Bottle and a year after First Contact, both Kirk's age (142) and the number of years since the launch of the Enterprise-B (82) are incorrect."} {"id":"event","id.1":98,"text":"This fact is only chronicled in the comic book story Double Time. However, the event is critical for the proper placement of subsequent novels."} {"id":"event","id.1":99,"text":"Barring any suitable explanation for Worf's presence aboard the Enterprise-E, we must assume that he remained aboard for a period of time following Insurrection."} {"id":"event","id.1":100,"text":"This is an apocryphal story told by Zak Kebron to his son 150 years later."} {"id":"event","id.1":101,"text":"Occurs ninety years after The Wrath of Khan, based upon the Okuda dating of 2285."} {"id":"event","id.1":102,"text":"Reg Barclay's presence aboard the Enterprise is problematic, since he should be working on the Pathfinder project at Starfleet Headquarters."} {"id":"event","id.1":103,"text":"Picard says that he is unfamiliar with Q's family, which is the same thing he said in Q-Space."} {"id":"event","id.1":104,"text":"Gateways volumes 3-6 occur simultaneously."} {"id":"event","id.1":105,"text":"Gateways volumes 3-6 occur simultaneously."} {"id":"event","id.1":106,"text":"Gateways volumes 3-6 occur simultaneously."} {"id":"event","id.1":107,"text":"Gateways volumes 3-6 occur simultaneously."} {"id":"event","id.1":108,"text":"Begins immediately after Avatar and runs concurrently through the events in Lesser Evil."} {"id":"event","id.1":109,"text":"Begins during Genesis Wave: Book 1 and runs concurrently beyond the events in Book 3."} {"id":"event","id.1":110,"text":"This story may conflict with other theories regarding Borg origins. Guinan's appearance is problematic, as no other story corroborates her presence aboard the Enterprise-E."} {"id":"event","id.1":111,"text":"Voyager's return takes place in December."} {"id":"event","id.1":112,"text":"Apparently this represents an alternate version of the alternate future, in which Neelix did not leave the ship prior to Miral's birth."}